Job Training
We were impressed with the work that you do with the Step-Up youth and hope we can remain partners in the years to come.
We offer job training and mentoring opportunities for people trying to rebuild their lives. Whether you are a first timer looking for work, coming out of poverty, addiction, or incarceration, the Center is for all. We also provide opportunities and connections for community service for those on probation.
We also work in partnership with various organizations to provide summer jobs and training for youth and young adults.
We provide entry level employment and job training including soft skills and mentoring for unemployed and underemployed people, as well as people with disabilities. Staff and seasoned volunteers provide invaluable job coaching and mentoring to help trainees not only get on (or back on) their feet and be competent in the job market, but also inspire and enliven them with important life skills to help them thrive.
Employee Story
After five months in prison, a woman joined our team. With support from fellow staff members, she learned many life skills. She also took anger management and cognitive skill development classes. She belonged to a women's substance abuse program across the street from us. Now, she has finished her probation and is no longer homeless. She has been working with us for four years. Community Bridge provided her a safe space to work, grow, and thrive.